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Reverse osmosis filtration (RO) is a water filtration process that uses semi-permeable membrane to separate pure, clean water from other contaminants like salts, minerals, metals and even bacteria and viruses. It is one of the most comprehensive and advanced home water filtration methods available. Originally used to desalinate seawater and reduce high chemical contaminant material, reverse osmosis is now a common technology for household water filtration as well as commercial, industrial and military applications.

In reverse osmosis, pressure differences between two solutions with different concentrations of dissolved chemicals cause a natural tendency for the chemicals to move from the dilute to the concentrated solution until the levels reach equal concentrations on both sides of the membrane. The resulting water is called permeate and the stream of chemicals that didn’t make it through is called concentrate.

Top Benefits of Using a Reverse Osmosis Water Filter at Home

The pore size of an RO membrane is so small that it can remove particles as large as a human red blood cell and even smaller. This is how it can filter out toxins and minerals that are too big for standard carbon filters. It is also how it can reduce total dissolved solids which includes hardness, salts, and inorganic contaminants. This type of filtration is the most effective way to eliminate lead, volatile organic compounds, PFAS, arsenic and bacteria in drinking water.

There are two main types of home reverse osmosis systems. The first is point of entry (POE) and the second is a point of use (POU) system. POE systems connect to your household water line and treat all the water that comes into your house. POU systems are connected to a specific fixture such as under your sink and only filter the water that is fed to that fixture. Both systems require a lot of pressure to operate which can be costly to install and maintain.

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